Monday 2 May 2011

4) Who would be the audience for your media product?

For me to even begin on working on my music magazine I had to make an audience profile. 
My target audience are young teenage girls mainly aged 11 -16. The type of girls that love shopping in shops like ‘Claire’s’ for example, and I can use this to my advantage by working together with them to  advertise the products used and my magazine so that it creates synergy.
The audience for my profile will be people that enjoy pop music and are mainly interested in pop music but my magazine will include a bit of R&B and other genres to make it more interesting and appeal to a wider demographic. Because my magazine will be based mainly on pop music and the genre will be pop music, those are the main things that I will include on it.  
People that use the latest technologies and phones such as Blackberry’s or Iphones will also be included in my audience profile. Almost everybody has a phone and many have the latest Smartphone’s that have web2.0 and access to the latest apps. I can use this to my advantage by offering free downloads or apps or something for those phones so that it increases the chance of my audience buying my magazine.
I’ve also included bands and artists such as the ‘Jonas Brothers’, ‘The Saturdays’, ‘Justin Bieber’ and ‘Miley Cyrus’ because they are the kind of artist that will appeal to my demographic. Using them on my magazine will immediately attract their fans and increase the popularity of my magazine.
My audience will also be people that have access to the internet and laptops and computers. Almost every home in England has access to the internet of some sort so it would be very helpful to have a website for my magazine and for it to be available online, since the internet is becoming very powerful and a lot of people spend more time on the internet than anything else.
I will also use YouTube because it is something my demographic uses a lot and that’s where most of them get access to the music they listen to, according to my research. YouTube gets over millions of views a day so advertising my magazine on there would increase the general public’s aware of the magazine and attract many people in my demographic. This is also another form of synergy and will benefit my magazine.
The reason I put a picture of change and of coins is because my target audience are expected to not have a lot of money and notes in their pockets, instead they’ll have lose change from sweets and drinks that they buy at the newsagents with their magazines. 
I’ve also included an image of sweets as part of my audience profile because the people that spend their money on sweets are the ones that will spend money on my magazine. That product is something that appeals to them and it’s something that they will spend their money on.
I’ve also included an image of tickets. One of the things that I will offer in my magazine is the chance for people to win tickets to concerts. When I did my research I found that something like that was very popular and many would spend a lot of money and time and effort to see their favourite artists perform live.
I also included an image of Disney because it is something that my demographic listens and watches and is very popular among the younger generation. It is what most of my demographic aspire to be and look up to as role models. Disney makes a lot of money out of their music because the demographic are least likely to download illegally and would spend money on their CDs and their products. 

I did my own research to find information about my demographic and to create my own personal audience profile. I used qualitative and quantitative data to help me get a better understand of what my audience want and who my audience will actually be. I used both primary and secondary research. I conducted my own primary research by using questionnaires through the internet and in person. The questionnaires helped give me a better understanding of what kind of things to include in my magazine and what worked well in my magazine. I found some secondary research that shows what children aged 5 – 14 spend their time doing on the internet. The majority of these children spend their time on educational activities and playing online games. Almost half (47.1%) use the internet to listen or download music. This is good for me as I now know that if I advertise my magazine on the internet and on music websites, nearly 50% of my target audience will be likely to see it. This was helpful for me because it gave me a rough understanding of the kind of things the people likely to want to buy my magazine spend on. All of the information and the findings that I found helped me to understand my audience better and helped me improve my knowledge of how to create a magazine for them. 

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